Clean Water Act Section 404/401
Waters of the United States, including many lakes, streams and wetlands are protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Section 404 and Section 401 of the CWA regulates the discharge pollutant into waters of the United States. There are a variety of Section 404 and 401 permits designated for specific activities. Earth Source has over 35 years experience with the Section 404 and 401 permit process and guide our clients along the most environmentally and economically sound path through the regulations.
State Wetland Permits
The State of Indiana administers Section 404 of the CWA in most areas of the state through Public Act 451. Many other states have enacted regulations to cover Isolated or Excluded waters not regulated under the CWA. Earth Source assists our clients in navigating State and local regulations to obtain permits and, when necessary develop mitigation plans to compensate for unavoidable impacts.
Floodway/Flood Plain Permits
States and many local government agencies regulate activities within designated Floodway and Floodplain areas. Earth Source can assist our clients in obtaining these permits and develop plans for floodway mitigation and floodplain compensation.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
As required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) are required to be prepared for most construction activities that generally disturb one or more acres of land. In the state of Indiana, these activities are regulated through a Construction Site Runoff General Permit from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) or the local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). Since the initial roll-out of this Rule, over 25 years ago, Earth Source has successfully prepared and submitted numerous Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, per IDEM guidelines, for various types of construction activities throughout the state.